
Data is of vital importance to the study of the Brain. For neuroscientists in this section, there are ion channel recordings, morphological reconstructions, electrical recordings from neocorticol neurons and molecular properties of neurons. These are available on Blue Brain platforms, the EBRAINS Cellular Level Simulation Platform and the Hippocampus Hub.

Ion Channels

Channelpedia is a knowledge base system centered on genetically expressed ion channel experimental data and models. The platform encourages researchers of the field to contribute, build and refine the information through an interactive wiki-like interface. It is web-based, freely accessible and currently contains 180 annotated ion channels with 50 Hodgkin-Huxley models and very soon it will also contain whole cell electrophysiology data from more than 15,000 cells.

Morphological Reconstructions

Digital reconstructions of neurons serve as a resource for the data-driven modelling approach at Blue Brain. Morphological reconstructions of neurons located in the rat somatosensory cortex (hind limb) and neurons located in the CA1 of the mouse and rat hippocampus are currently available.

Neuronal Electrical Recordings

Electrical recordings of neurons serve as a resource for the data-driven modelling approach at Blue Brain. In vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of neurons located in the rat somatosensory cortex (hind limb region) and neurons located in the CA1 of the rat and mouse hippocampus are currently available.

Molecular Properties

Data of the molecular properties of neurons in the rat somatosensory cortex at postnatal day 13-16 are available as text files. These text files contain the expression patterns of calcium binding proteins, and neuropeptides for morphologically identified neurons.