Morphological Reconstructions

morphological reconstructions

Digital reconstructions of neurons serve as a core resource for the data-driven modelling approach at Blue Brain. Morphological reconstructions of neurons located in the rat somatosensory cortex (hind limb region) and neurons located in the CA1 of the rat and mouse hippocampus can be found below. Morphologies are also available on

Rat Somatosensory Cortex Neurons

Morphological properties of neurons in the rat somatosensory cortex at postnatal days 13-16.
Data are provided as text files containing 3D representations of neuronal morphologies reconstructed using Neurolucida (neuron tracing, reconstruction, and analysis software).

Rat Hippocampus CA1 Neurons (adult)

Neurolucida 3D reconstructions of adult rat hippocampus neurons can be found on the Hippocampus Hub.